Updated SEP-21-2023

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What's New… This site might be seeing some changes. Stay tuned!

  Why You're Here… Hopefully for music and images, and the occasional shot of blu(e), as there's little else to be found. The gallery and concert archive are both temporarily down, but see above…
What Pays the Bills (One of the Reasons
I Wake Up Each Morning)…
Creative Direction, (Marketing/Advertising)—specifically communication arts and identity, design and copywriting, off and online—for clients around the globe. I brand, draw, and photograph all sorts of things you might see or hear, while managing to stay current (I've a love/hate relationship with pop culture). Did my agency time for cred and went out on my own 25+ years ago (wow)! I've a six-billed hat on but it fits. Art/photog and writing are deep loves, and I'm thankful they've also paid my bills all these years.

The Other (More Important) Reason I Wake Up… Music — everything about it and all kinds of it. As you'll learn elsewhere on this site, I'm partial to rock and funk. The brighter stars in my own personal music universe include The Beatles, BRMC, Cake, The Carpenters, Chris Cornell, Commodores, dada, Doves, Earth Wind & Fire, Fleetwood Mac, The Hives, Jerry Riopelle, John Faye Power Trip, The Old Ceremony, Parliament, Radiohead, Refreshments/RCPM, Rickie Lee Jones, Soul Coughing, early Springsteen, The Stone Roses, Stone Temple Pilots / Scott Weiland, Tom Petty (w/ the Heartbreakers), Van Halen. See the Top 100 if you want more. I also sing, play keyboards and used to be a club DJ… read: obsessed. Rules my life, keeps me young!

play Drink,B*tch!
A Bit on This Space… This site started out as a six-paragraph joke in late 1996, when I felt the need to publicly question the relevance of a website for Peeps (yes, the marshmallow chicks). It was a different internet back then. Two months later it became a means of providing music leads for friends who were always asking me what new music I was listening to and would suggest they buy. Two years later it became a means of providing images for family and friends in one central spot—waaaay ahead of mostly creepy personal blogs, and similar to today's social networksand providing concert reviews for my live-music-loving friends. It's honestly not changed much since! Save minor organizational changes, it will likely always look this way, regardless of my prowess on the job. Don't look here for snazzy web design; my attention's on the real world and I'm lucky if I get in here to update things more than once a year. There will also never be a blog for countless reasons. As Facebook continues to get more hostile and annoying, it's possible I'll go back to offering my two musical pennies here to feed my old DJ jones, or to supply silly downloads and snapshots of life—likely password protected. I've always done it all for friends and family scattered across the globe, though I've appreciated you outer-circle visitors and some of your kooky comments! (Makes the time I've spent here worth it.) If the site ever looks better than this, you'll know I have way too much time on my hands and am probably looking for work. Or I retired! :-)